Bolt Release Notes - Web App
Table of Contents
6.4 - Released 2025-03-11
6.3 - Released 2025-02-12
6.2 - Released 2025-01-22
6.1 - Released 2024-12-10
6.0 - Released 2024-10-31
5.23 - Released 2024-09-19
5.22 - Released 2024-08-12
5.21 - Released 2024-06-12
5.20 - Released 2024-05-08
5.19 - Released 2024-04-22
5.18 - Released 2024-03-11
5.17 - Released 2024-01-16
5.16 - Dual auth (Released 07/09/23)
5.15 - Zoom lock, slim reader (Released 04/04/23)
5.14 - (Released 08/02/23)
5.13 - (Released 30/01/23)
5.12 - (Released 10/01/23)
5.11 - Query strings (Released 06/12/22)
5.10 - (Released 24/10/22)
5.9 - (Released 25/08/22)
5.8 - Collection set images (Released 09/08/22)
5.7 - Collection sets (Released 07/06/22)
5.6 - Bug fixes & performance improvements (Released 25/04/22)
5.5 - Bug fixes & performance improvements (Released 15/03/22)
5.4 - Storefront improvements (Released 28/01/22)
5.3 - PDF improvements (Released 14/12/21)
5.2 - Bug fixes & performance improvements (Released 02/12/21)
5.1 - PDF (Released 25/11/21)
5.0 - Edition storefronts (Released 07/10/21)
4.9 - GA4 (Released 14/09/21)
4.8 - Content fetching (Released 24/08/21)
4.7 - Timeline ads
4.6 - GTM
4.5 - User registration
4.4 - Address bar theming
4.3 - Internal linking
Release notes for all major versions of the Pugpig Bolt Web platform.
Bolt Web versions automatically roll out everywhere at 10:30 UTC the day after release, unless specifically configured otherwise.
Note that dates are in YYYY-MM-DD format
6.4 - Released 2025-03-11
Major changes
- Bolt Web analytics is now aligned with the core Bolt analytics spec for events in both Mixpanel and GA4. Your web apps should now track the events expected, according to the spec, along with all of the relevant dimensions you would expect.
- Some events are yet to be added and are expected in an upcoming version:
- BoltTabTapped
- BoltTimelinePickerTapped
- BoltSettingsSelected
- BoltVoucherRedemptionSuccess
- BoltVoucherRedemptionFail
- BoltPaywallDisplayed
- BoltPaywallDismissed
- Some events are yet to be added and are expected in an upcoming version:
Additional changes
- Improved initial load performance for HTML pages.
- Fixed an issue where clicking an author in an article would load their image before a dynamic timeline of their content.
6.3 - Released 2025-02-12
Major changes
- Mixpanel and GA auto tracking turned off, reducing page views. Note that user numbers are unaffected.
- We had 2 main issues here:
- Timeline views were tracking twice due to a redirect - these now track once.
- Article / PDF page views were tracking up to three times due to preloading behaviour - these now track only once for the page you are on.
- We had 2 main issues here:
- Double page spreads now send 2 page views, one for each page.
- The edition scrubber/navigator has been updated with clickable sections like the native tablet functionality.
Additional changes
- Page arrows have been added to the side of the screen in addition to the ones in the bottom toolbar.
- Hovering over icons in the bottom toolbar will now show a tooltip explaining what they are, if enabled.
- Re-added User ID tracking to analytics for GA.
- Fixes an issue and freeze associated with zoom behaviour in Firefox.
- Fixes an issue where the storefront picker could sometimes not be scrolled.
6.2 - Released 2025-01-22
- Print and download buttons on PDF pages can now be hidden.
- File names generated from printing, clipping or downloading PDF pages now reflect the content downloaded.
- Users can now download a whole edition while viewing a page, in addition to or instead of downloading just the page.
6.1 - Released 2024-12-10
- Added support for second level timeline navigation.
- We now send the content URL for google ads.
- Added support for menu headers on the settings page.
- The app/site name will always be shown in the tab bar, regardless of the page you're on.
- Fixed an issue where PDF hotspots would be inaccurate if the page was resized.
- Fixed an issue where saved enhanced PDF articles would display a broken thumbnail.
6.0 - Released 2024-10-31
- Updated core Web framework from Vue 2 to Vue 3. There should be no noticeable changes to behaviour.
- Added the ability to clip and print sections of a page, as well as the existing ability to print a whole page.
- Improved PDF hotspot visibility. Hotspots will now always highlight on a page when the page is opened, and if a user clicks an empty space the hotspots on the page will highlight.
5.23 - Released 2024-09-19
- Ensures compatibility for with the latest version of Google Chrome.
5.22 - Released 2024-08-12
- Further increased maximum zoom level on PDF pages.
- UserID is now sent to analytics if included by your authentication provider.
- BoltShare and BoltShareOpened analytics events are now tracked correctly in line with iOS and Android.
- Improved google ads debugging.
5.21 - Released 2024-06-12
- Internal tooling, no client-facing changes
5.20 - Released 2024-05-08
- Fixed analytics issues causing multiple screen views per page and inconsistent event tracking.
5.19 - Released 2024-04-22
- Increased maximum zoom level on PDF pages
5.18 - Released 2024-03-11
- Added support for different date/time string formats.
- The auth state message now appears at the top of the settings page, rather than inside the sign in/out button.
- User position is no longer remembered forever, it is now only remembered until you close and open your browser again.
- Fixed an analytics issue where some pages were sending multiple screen views due to page pre-loading.
5.17 - Released 2024-01-16
- Added support for issue-based auth
- Added localisable strings support
- Fixed an issue causing some PDFs to be missing content on Windows
- Improvements to logging, including an easier method for users to send logs
- General improvements and fixes to Edition ToCs
5.16 - Dual auth (Released 07/09/23)
- Added the ability to support both promo codes and 3rd party auth methods at the same time
- Added the ability to control the width of the web reader
- Fixed an issue causing enhanced PDF hotspots to not be tappable
- Fixed an issue causing external Oauth flows to not complete sign in
5.15 - Zoom lock, slim reader (Released 04/04/23)
- Added the ability to lock their page zoom level when navigating between pages. This is available via a padlock icon to the left of the zoom bar.
- Added the ability to serve a slimmed down version of the web app, rather than the full site
- Fixed an issue causing save and share analytics not to send when used in content on web
- Various accessibility improvements including
- Better keyboard navigation
- Better highlighting when in accessibility mode
- Renaming voiceover labels
- Improved performance on iOS mobile devices
5.14 - (Released 08/02/23)
- If an edition is not assigned to a specific collection set it will now show in all sets
5.13 - (Released 30/01/23)
- Re-added ToC hamburger menu for editions
- Updated scrubber icon to match iOS and Android
- Fixed an issue causing the close icon from share panel to not appear
5.12 - (Released 10/01/23)
- Fixed an issue with deeplinking on Web preventing you from navigating to the next or previous page in a collection
- Stability improvements to the page zoom in feature
5.11 - Query strings (Released 06/12/22)
- Query strings will no longer be stripped out from Bolt Web URLs
- If viewing your Web app in preview mode, refreshing the page will no longer reset it to non-preview
5.10 - (Released 24/10/22)
5.9 - (Released 25/08/22)
- Fixed an issue where the collection sets modal would conflict with the timeline loading mask and not display
- Fixed an issue where moving to another tab could require more than one click
5.8 - Collection set images (Released 09/08/22)
- Added the ability to display an image on the collection set selection screen
- The share icon will now not display, rather than displaying greyed out, if sharing is turned off
- Fixed an issue where PDF pages were not able to be zoomed when accessed via search
- Fixed an issue causing all editions to display, regardless of what collection set is chosen. Timelines were unaffected
5.7 - Collection sets (Released 07/06/22)
- Added Collection set support, which allows a users to select specific regions/locales to receive content from
- Removed editions from showing under the edit timelines settings option
- Fixed an issue where the browser tab title would get stuck on a PDF page title, rather than the website name
- Fixed an issue where URL settings pages would not display
5.6 - Bug fixes & performance improvements (Released 25/04/22)
- Standardised the font used for the selected timeline, in the timeline picker, between app and web
- Fixed an issue where PDF pages would appear blurry on certain types of devices
5.5 - Bug fixes & performance improvements (Released 15/03/22)
- Fixed an issue with double page spread PDFs causing the last page not to show
5.4 - Storefront improvements (Released 28/01/22)
- Added the option to show an additional customisable button on the paywall (eg for subscriptions)
- Added the option to show automatic 'Subscribe in-app' buttons on the paywall that link to the respective stores
- Added the ability to display URL settings items
- Added support for hidden tabs, that don't show in the nav bar and are only accessible via a direct link
- Added the ability to download a single page or double page spread as an image
- Added the ability to print a single page or double page spread
- Added buttons to skip to the first or last page of an edition
- Page numbers are now displayed
5.3 - PDF improvements (Released 14/12/21)
- Added support for double page spread PDFs
- Added improved PDF controls including an edition navigator and a zoom scale
- Accessibility fixes
5.2 - Bug fixes & performance improvements (Released 02/12/21)
- Various bug fixes & performance improvements
5.1 - PDF (Released 25/11/21)
- Support for PDFs
- Support for Enhanced PDF
- Ability to open images on the timeline in the full screen gallery viewer
5.0 - Edition storefronts (Released 07/10/21)
- Support for storefront and the edition view, including the edition navigator
4.9 - GA4 (Released 14/09/21)
- Google Analytics 4 support
- Added support for dynamic timelines, which allows a timeline to be generated from any term
- Ability to automatically append token as a query parameter, allowing automatic log in on other domains
4.8 - Content fetching (Released 24/08/21)
- Fetch new content whenever switching to a new timeline from the picker
- The toolbar logo can now be fetched from a URL, and transitions smoothly when switching to timelines with a different logo
- Toolbar colours can now be set per-timeline
- Added support for hidden timelines, which don't appear in the timeline picker
- Added buttons for clicking to next and previous articles
4.7 - Timeline ads
- Added Google Ad Manager-served 320x50 banners to the timeline
4.6 - GTM
- Google Tag Manager support
- Ability to theme hover colour for toolbar items
- Support new WhatsApp share structure, including share title and URL
4.5 - User registration
- Support user registration from paywall and login screen
4.4 - Address bar theming
- Added theme meta-tag, allowing theming of address bar in supported browsers
4.3 - Internal linking
- Added support for internal linking from the timeline