Danielle Bueno
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OneTrust for Pugpig Bolt
Published June 1st, 2023 by Danielle Bueno
What is OneTrust OneTrust is a consent management platform (CMP) that is supported in our Pugpig Bolt apps. It provides a way for users to have control over their personal data and how it is used by other services in the app, such as analytics, push notification or ads. OneTrust can appear in the app as two separate screens: the Consent Banner and P
Our best guess on how to get smart banners back after dismissing them on iOS
Published October 6th, 2023 by Danielle Bueno
iOS will remember that you dismissed the smart banner so it will never show up again. Below is a very rough estimate on how to get the smart banner back after dismissing it. It is successful only sometimes. Steps Delete app if you have it installed on your iOS device Clear website cookies of your website in device settings. Open Settings > Gener
Piano Experiences and The Piano Card
Published September 5th, 2023 by Danielle Bueno
Pugpig allows you to include standard web based Piano Experiences. Type of Experience These are standard experiences in Piano (NOT mobile experiences used by the Piano native SDKs) You can include Piano Experiences in two places: on your timelines targeting elements created by the Piano Card (or Piano block if Timeline Layouts) in your articles