Mixpanel and Pugpig Bolt
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What is Mixpanel?
Mixpanel is a best-in-class product analytics tool with a specific focus on understanding user behaviour. It provides excellent visualisation of data to ensure it's easy to see how users are interacting with your app.
How does Pugpig Bolt integrate with Mixpanel?
At Pugpig we use third parties to inform our understanding of our software and how it performs in the hands of users. For example, Firebase includes Crashlytics, which allows us to identify crashes that are occurring out in the wild without waiting for users to report them to us. These services have minimal to negligible impact on the performance of the app, though may slightly increase the size of the initial app download and data usage, though again to very small levels.
To this end, all Pugpig Bolt apps running on Bolt 3.14 or later include Mixpanel. Mixpanel allows us to identify patterns and opportunities in Bolt across our entire customer base. This is then fed into our product roadmap as a key driver of prioritisation. The detail of what we collect uses the same specification as other analytics tools we support, such as Google Analytics.
In addition this data is utilised by our Customer Success and Support teams to understand the performance of your apps, which they'll discuss with you in your Business Reviews and other correspondence. We're also using it to identify and share performance benchmarks across our different customer segments.
What do we need from you to get set up?
We don't need anything from you to enable Mixpanel on your app, however customers are able to opt-out of this collection. This will mean that:
1. Data from your apps won't factor into our product decision-making
2. You customer success managers and support engineers won't have access to this data and be able to use it in discussion with you
3. Benchmarking will be unavailable
Your contract with Pugpig covers the inclusion of such services in your app, and this aggregate data is solely used by Pugpig. If you have concerns about this data, please reach out to us at support@pugpig.com.