Gifting articles
Table of Contents
Our gifting feature enables subscribers to share specific pieces of otherwise-protected content to non-subscribers. This is a feature where we provide most of the infrastructure (and all of the UI) for this on our side, however we will need an API from you, details of which are below.
Auth provider support
Given the information required to be passed back and forth with regards to gifting, your authentication provider will need to support gift capabilities and be able to provide us the information specified in the API calls below. This should be checked prior to starting any work on gifting.
Note that currently redemption of gifted articles happens on your website, we don't support redeeming in the app yet.
The flow
Users of your app would see a CTA to gift the article inline within the page.

When they tap on this they see the following modal allowing them to access the special GiftLink:

The fonts and colours on the article CTA & modal can be customised.
How it works
We provide the out-of-the-box interface above that allows users to gift articles to other users. You can control how many gifts an user is allowed to use during a given period.
The GiftLink endpoint is part of the entitlement implementation. We will make a call to your endpoint when the user clicks "Gift an Article"
We will need an API provided to us to implement this feature. This gives you full control of gifting logic and limits. This needs:
- Inputs
- the user token (or PKCE access token) we receive when the user logs in
- the URL of the article to be shared - Response
- the GiftLink URL if the user is allowed one
- messaging on number of gift links they have remaining
- messaging if they have run out of gifts.
Most users that redeem the gift will end up on your website - we are assuming that the your website will implement the gift token checking on your side.
We recommend using the App Association File/Google file patterns to prevent Gift URLs opening in the app (for example, prevent all URLs with
Articles in multiple collections
Note that if an article is in more than one collection and those collections have different gifting settings, the article will follow the settings of the first collection in the feed.